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Each Head Coach in the league serves on the Board of the New Hampshire Lightning. In addition, the following are officers of the Board:

President - Liz Purdy

Vice President - Amylyn Wachter

Secretary & Registrar - Kristen Smith

Treasurer - Chris Mills

Equipment Manager - Scott Lebrun

Fundraising Coordinator – Lisa Sylvestre

At Large-Jodi Heath

Board Meeting Procedure

The NHLSC Board Meetings are broken into Open, Closed and Executive sessions. Any NHLSC Parent, Volunteer or Coach (no Players) may attend the Open portion of the meeting. In order to attend, it is requested that you email a Board Member of your intention to attend the meeting and the nature of your concern and/or request so that this information may be added to the meeting agenda. The Board will hear any issue but may need to resolve the issue at a later time.

Once the Open portion of the meeting is concluded and the Closed portion of the meeting commences, non Board Members will need to depart. Managers (but not Coaches) are welcome to attend the Closed portion of the Board meeting. From time to time the Board may need to meet in an Executive Session, in which case, Managers would need to depart as the Executive session meetings are Board Members, exclusively.

For more information, contact